SU science faculty makes physics accessible through discussion on black holes

The physics department at Stellenbosch University (SU) attracted several dozen people to the department’s open day in August by hosting a lecture on black holes.

This was according to Jaymie van der Merwe, a masters student in physics at SU, who organised the event.

During a recent open day at Stellenbosch University’s physics department, Dr Anslyn John, a researcher at the department, gave a public lecture on black holes. He explained that the topic of black holes has been a passion of his since he was young. PHOTO: Nicolas Adamy

“We typically use [the lecture] as an attraction so people will come in for the talk – which is a big selling point, in particular this year with the black holes,” said Van der Merwe. 

The open day and lecture were on 21 August and the lecture was given by Dr Anslyn John, a physics lecturer at the faculty of science at SU.

Putting the spotlight on physics

The open day is an attempt to showcase the department to the public, said Van der Merwe. 

“[Physics] might seem very foreign – or just a very difficult, abstract concept – and what we are trying to do here is trying to show the public that we are normal people,” he explained. 

“If people come out of this lecture having learned something or [having found] something exciting, I think that that’s a win,” said Dr Anslyn John, physics lecturer at the faculty of science at Stellenbosch University (SU). John gave a lecture about black holes at a recent open day hosted by SU’s physics department. PHOTO: Nicolas Adamy 

Capturing the imagination

The theme of the lecture was not chosen randomly, explained John. 

“The aim [of the lecture] was to convey the idea that some very exotic and fanciful ideas in physics [such as the black holes] are actually very good descriptions of reality,” said John. 

Black holes “capture the public imagination […] and [they] certainly captured mine”, stated John, who said that he had been passionate about black holes since he was young.

John also used the opportunity to share some of the excitement around the subject of black holes, and to educate those attending, he stated.

Those who attended a recent open day at Stellenbosch University’s physics department were, among others, taken on a tour of the physics laboratory at the department. PHOTO: Nicolas Adamy

Participants enjoyed the lecture, stated Karla Freiin von Wechmar, a first year physics student at SU.

“I thought it wasn’t so complicated that I couldn’t understand anything. So, I think that it was very nice that they presented something everyone from the public could understand,” she stated. 

It was “really nice to see people interested in physics”, said John, in an interview with SMF News.

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