Stellenbosch women inspired to ‘Live Life in Full Colour’

A Stellenbosch University (SU) private student organisation (PSO) recently hosted an event aimed at empowering local women to bring about change in the Stellenbosch community. 

This is according to Margra Wevell, primaria of Aristea PSO and organiser of the event.

The event, called ‘Live Life in Full Colour’, was open to all those who classify themselves as women, said Wevell.


The ‘Live Life in Full Colour’ event was held in the Endler hall in Stellenbosch University’s Konservatorium. Attendees were offered coffee from My Brew in the Konservatorium lobby before the event, according to Margra Wevell, primaria of Aristea private student organisation. PHOTO: Chelsea Burnell

This event was held on 21 July and was led by Lynette Beer, a motivational speaker and behavioural specialist, stated Wevell. 

“I initiated this event in the hope that a seed would be planted of the value that comes from women coming together to impart wisdom to each other,” said Wevell.

Understanding personalities

Women learned about different temperaments at the event, according to Roxanne Camphor, member of the Aristea PSO leadership development committee. This gave attendees a more comprehensive understanding of personality types, with the aim of advancing their communication abilities and leadership skills, she explained.

“Knowing who we are as individuals, and who others are, helps us to recognize how we can collaborate with and lead others,” stated Camphor. 


The women who attended the ‘Live Life in Full Colour’ event hosted by Aristea private student organisation had the opportunity to enter into a number of lucky draws. Pictured above from left to right is Aristea leadership development committee member, Donique Quappe, the event floor manager, Courtney de Klerk, and event organiser Margra Wevell. PHOTO: Chelsea Burnell

Having knowledge of different personality skills will empower women in the workplace, claimed Beer, who created the four-colour temperament model.

This model classifies the personalities that people have according to four colours, which are “popular yellow, powerful red, peaceful green and perfect blue”, explained Beer.

“In a work environment, people need to know their and others’ temperaments in order to establish decent relationships,” she said.


Guests of the recent ‘Live Life in Full Colour’ event were encouraged to put on flower crowns at the event according to their personality, classified by the colour they were, said Roxanne Camphor, member of the Aristea private student organisation leadership development committee. Pictured above is guest speaker Lynette Beer (bottom) with event organiser Margra Wevell (top). PHOTO: Chelsea Burnell

Sparking change

Positive changes on SU’s campus and in South Africa can be brought about by teaching people how to develop their self-confidence, according to Beer. 

“When people know who they are and their value, they will know what they can individually contribute to the community,” she explained.


Around 80 women attended the recent ‘Live Life in Full Colour’ event, according to Margra Wevell, who organised the event. The event was attended by a number of Aristea private student organisation alumni, Stellenbosch University staff members and students and women from surrounding Stellenbosch areas, said Wevell. PHOTO: Chelsea Burnell

For the Stellenbosch community to change, it is important to start with the individuals who are part of it, according to Sarah Giles, an SU political science honours student who attended the event.

“If every individual is equipped and strengthened from events such as this, then, at the end of the day, you will get a changed society,” she stated.

This type of empowerment could also lead to a decrease in divisions amongst people, claimed Embeth du Toit, another SU political science honours student who attended the event.

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