Premier Alan Winde participates in local vaccination registration initiative

The premier of the Western Cape recently participated in a Covid-19 vaccination registration initiative for people 60 years and older in Smartie Town, Cloetesville.

Premier Alan Winde visited StellCare Stellenbosch and Districts Family Services (StellCare) on 10 May,  according to Bettie Nieuwoudt, the director of StellCare. He then accompanied members of StellCare as they went door-to-door in Smartie Town, assisting residents with registration, said Nieuwoudt. StellCare is a non-profit district family protection organisation, according to the StellCare website.

The visit formed part of the Western Cape government’s #LetsDoThis vaccination drive, which aims to “encourage residents to register for their vaccine ahead of the beginning of Phase 2 of the mass vaccination programme on 17 May”, according to a Facebook post by Winde on 11 May.


The Western Cape government is currently running a major communications campaign, which uses both paid media and direct engagement with residents to communicate facts about the Covid-19 vaccine, according to Alan Winde, premier of the Western Cape. The #LetsDoThis vaccination drive, which encourages residents to register for the vaccine ahead of the beginning of phase 2 of the mass vaccination programme on 17 May, will take place in many communities across the province. PHOTO: Facebook/Alan Winde

“I was keen to visit a community outside of the city to chat to residents about the importance of registering for the Covid-19 vaccine, and also to hear what they are saying about the process,” said Winde in email correspondence with MatieMedia.

With the assistance of those involved in the initiative, Smartie Town residents used their cellphones to complete the vaccination registration process, according to Mabré Wenn, administrative officer at StellCare. Wenn explained that StellCare owns three cellphones that were used to register those community members who did not have cellphones of their own.

“Should you not have a number, we will allocate a number. So, we will write your details down and then we register you,” said Wenn. “The SMS [notification of the vaccination date] comes to us, and we will inform [the relevant resident],” she added.


StellCare Stellenbosch and Districts Family Services (StellCare) is working with volunteers throughout local communities such as Kylemore and Eersterivier to assist residents with vaccination registration. Going forward, members of StellCare — including Mabré Wenn (left), administrative officer of Stellcare, and Bettie Nieuwoudt (right), director of StellCare — plan to assist with vaccination registration between 16:00 and 18:00 each day, based on the availability of volunteers. PHOTO: Tamsin Metelerkamp

While some residents were initially hesitant about registering for the vaccine, the outcome of the initiative was “excellent”, said Nieuwoudt. 

“It was close to 200 [registrations], if not more, on that specific day,” said Nieuwoudt.

Interacting with residents, and talking to them about the value of vaccinations, played an important role in the success of the initiative, according to Wenn. “It’s part of a process of bringing awareness to them,” she said.

“A few people I spoke to indicated that they were concerned about the safety and effectiveness of the vaccines. I was able to explain that the vaccines are rigorously tested internationally and locally, and are safe to be used,” said Winde. “Most people were very happy to receive reliable information in this way.”

StellCare has been involved in vaccination registration efforts in local communities since the announcement by the South African government that people 60 years and older could register, according to Nieuwoudt. Since the Smartie Town drive, there has been an increase in the number of people approaching StellCare for assistance with vaccination registration, according to Wenn.

“It’s been picking up,” said Wenn. “Since that evening, […] it’s been quite hectic.”


Key dates in the Western Cape Covid-19 vaccination programme, as detailed in a Western Cape government news release by Alan Winde, premier of the Western Cape, on 9 May. During May and the beginning of June, the Western Cape government anticipates the receipt of 260 000 units of the single-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine, and 135 600 units of the two-dose Pfizer vaccine, to provide a total of 395 600 vaccines, according to the release. INFOGRAPHIC: Tamsin Metelerkamp

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