HIIT FIT Stellies keeping members active during lockdown

The training company for Stellenbosch University (SU) students, HIIT FIT Stellies, is keeping members active through live training sessions on their Instagram page during lockdown.

Throughout the academic year, HIIT FIT usually hosts fitness classes at various SU female residences. 

The company needed to consider ways to provide value to the HIIT FIT community throughout the nationwide lockdown, according to Lloyd Smith, the founder of HIIT FIT Stellies. 

“Some [members] have paid for the whole year already, so we had to make a plan and provide value somehow. Fortunately, we live in a time where live workouts can be broadcast globally,” said Smith. 

The training company offers different training options for members and non-members. On Wednesdays and Sundays, live training sessions are run for non-members on the public page. 

Members can receive live training every day during the lockdown on the private HIIT FIT page. 


Coach Katja using her phone, laptop and speaker to give a live 30-minute HIIT FIT class during lockdown. PHOTO: Katja Schadle.

The training company did not want lockdown to get in the way of keeping members active and reaching their fitness goals, according to Julia Clothier, one of the head coaches for HIIT FIT Stellies.

“A lot of girls want to continue their workouts and fitness during lockdown, so that’s why we started the live session,” said Clothier. 

Clothier added that HIIT FIT coaches between 10 and 25 people per live session on Instagram. 

According to founder Lloyd Smith, exercise is immune-boosting, it provides structure to one’s daily routine and gets the necessary feel-good endorphins flowing. 

“Having structure in your day is going to help you stay focused and not have this time go to waste. Exercising is going to set you up to feel good for hours afterwards,” said Smith. 

A national reach

Online training has also allowed HIIT FIT to reach out to a broader audience, who would not have been able to join otherwise and to spread positivity among members, said Clothier.

“The daily workouts have been good because now we have reached out to places all over the country. It’s an uncertain time, so I love that we are having a positive impact on our member’s lives,” said Clothier. 

a5a89c51-f337-4d19-b427-dbe90e46d77f HIIT FIT active

Coach Julia giving a live 30-minute HIIT FIT class. PHOTO: Julia Clothier

For Marizanne Brink, a HIIT FIT member, the online classes are something to look forward to each day during lockdown. 

“The classes have been really beneficial because it’s something you can look forward to every day. There aren’t many things you can do to feel good these days, and you feel good once you’ve done the workouts,” said Brink. 


